100 Girls comics

I collected several 1000’s comicbooks in the last years and i am planning to put them on a reguraly basis on this forum.
I only collected them and made them less big in bites with advanced jpeg compressing so the quality is still good and they take lesser space on the disk and are easier ro download, in stead of 1 by 1 the most downloads consist of 10 or more issues in one.
So the credits goes to the scanners and original uploaders.

100 Girls is a comic book series created by Adam Gallardo and Todd Demong, and published by Arcana Studio.

Sylvia Mark is a thirteen year-old girl who feels like and outcast from her the other kids her age. She skipped two grades and amazingly strong. Sylvia also feels incomplete, some nights she has weird dreams. Night after night these dreams seem to be harbingers of something dark. What she doesn’t know is that she’s just one of one hundred girls created as part of a genetics experiment that sought to give normal humans extraordinary powers. Four girls were kidnapped thirteen years ago and sent to families around the country to be raised, Sylvia was one of them. Now Sylvia is determined to find out why!

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