women in the bible: fascinating accounts of miracle births, heroic deeds, bloodlust and jealousy, eBook

women in the bible: fascinating accounts of miracle births, heroic deeds, bloodlust and jealousy, eBook

Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Arcturus foulsham (October 30, 2006)
ISBN-10: 0572032846
ISBN-13: 978-0572032845

Product Description
Women in the Bible are often eclipsed by their more famous male counterparts. This state of affairs not only mirrors the general standing of women in Western Society in the past 2,000 years, it also reflects the patriarchal nature of both Jewish and Christian religions. And yet, a closer study of the Bible reveals that women were once regarded as equals of men rather than subjects to them. We read of women who were priests in the Near East and women who served as judges and prophets in Israel. Even Wisdom was personified in the old testament as a woman. From Abi to Zipporah, this book retells the stories of the women, both great and humble, of the Old and New Testaments as well as those found in the Apocrypha. This book's illustrations features many of the great masters and is designed for ease of access and is written in a clear, straightforward style. These are stories of true love, devotion, piety, incest, lust, prostitution, adultery, polygamy, necromacy, decapitation, treachery and violence: of women's exploitation and abuse by men and how women gained their revenge.


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