How to Make Love All Night

How to Make Love All Night
From the author of Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Healing comes this remarkable book that will help men achieve a new kind of pleasure in bed--and please their partners in the process. Barbara Keesling, a

professor, sex therapist, and former sex surrogate, provides the instruction to enable you "keep going all night long." Whether you're a man who wishes to enhance his sex life or a woman who'd like to work with

her partner in order to gain a little more lovemaking satisfaction, How to Make Love All Night may provide the answers. By learning the methods for achieving multiple orgasms, Keesling says, men will be able to

prolong lovemaking, keep their erection after orgasm, have stronger, more intense orgasms, and more. She notes, "I have never met a motivated man who couldn't master the techniques that lead to male multiple

orgasm. Never." This book is full of exercises, each broken into two sets: one that can be practiced with a partner, and one for a man to use alone, so that he can learn


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