Storyboards : Motion in art

Storyboards : Motion in art

This book contains two decades of my experience and a lot of great art from many talented individuals.
The information here is not only for the artist who would like to pursue storyboarding as a career; it is also
for all those other people who have to quickly “board” something to get their point across and for those who
need to be able to work with boards done by others. Years ago, most people didn’t know what storyboards
were. Now, with the popularity of DVD behind-the-scenes extras and making-of books, it’s a well-known process.
What isn’t well understood is where the storyboard artist’s true talent lies. It isn’t in the quality of the art.
I’ve seen a number of beautiful illustrations that made useless storyboards. I’ve also seen bad art tell a
visual story in such a way that an entire crew of production personnel instantly knew what the director wanted.
That made a good storyboard. Great visual storytelling is a blueprint for all production.

I hope you allow this book to be your blueprint to understanding the process I love so dearly.

download here
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